It was such a very beautiful day yesterday. Minneapolis weather was very good. A 40-degree weather in February is a real blessing.

We took advantage of it and had a little get together.  The Minnesota members of a facebook group called FIN ( Females in Nigeria). It was fun. Haven’t had such fun in a while.

I wore this simple beautiful monochrome dress using Simplicity 1283 as a guide.



Here is the adjustment I made on the pattern:

I used Simplicity 1283 View A

  • I didn’t use a zipper for the bodice as instructed by the pattern. I closed it and make sure the neck was wide and stretchy enough for my big head.
  • I cut the front bodice on the fold.
  • I extended the top and made it as long as I wanted.
  • I added 3″ to each side of my hem and aligned the angle to my hips.





Thanks for stopping by my blog today


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About Author

I'm an Apparel Designer and a Public Health Advocate. I love Art, Craft, and Nature. I'm also a wellness advocate, so I allow myself to be vulnerable, to be a gift of joy and happiness to everyone that crosses my path. Hey, I'm a kick-ass vintage car lover, never missed a show in the past 10yrs but COVID threw a punch at it.