Happy New month Beautiful people. I’ve been off the blog for a very long time so ” I’m Baaacckk”  I’ve been so busy with different projects here and there. Finally I’ve had time to sew and take some photos too.

I made this shift dress 2 months ago using McCalls 7020 as a guide. I used view D.

I have used this pattern before for a hooded Tunic Here 



Pattern Adjustment

— The pattern instruction  have you cut 2 pieces for both back and front bodice. I cut both of mine on fold.

— I wanted  much room so I cut a size bigger.

— For a little off shoulder, I lowered the front and back pattern bodice  neck by 2″.

— I opened up the armhole by adding half inch to the armhole and 1″ to the sleeves biceps. The last time I used the pattern it was a bit too tight for my biceps.

— I also added 1″ to the length of the dress.




McCalls 7020
McCalls 7020



— I serged the neck edge, folded it half inch and sew it round.

shift dress2a

2.  I added pocket to each sides.

shift dress1


I was able to put this dress together within an hour and half.  It was very simple.

I got this knit fabric in one of my scrap hunting at SR Harris  Brooklyn park. You will be surprised at the amazing beautiful fabrics  in their big scrap box. $2 /yrd isn’t  bad at all.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.


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Here are some shift dresses on SALE!!


  1. Beautiful.
    Do you have this for sale Ms. Bike?

    1. Thanks Ms Ola, no I don’t have it for sale but I can custom make one for you if you’re interested.

  2. What a simple, comfortable, relaxing and beautiful dress! I love the colors in this fabric you select it! Great work on your part!

    1. Thanks Myra, I love the prints on the fabric too.

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About Author

I'm an Apparel Designer and a Public Health Advocate. I love Art, Craft, and Nature. I'm also a wellness advocate, so I allow myself to be vulnerable, to be a gift of joy and happiness to everyone that crosses my path. Hey, I'm a kick-ass vintage car lover, never missed a show in the past 10yrs but COVID threw a punch at it.