Compliment of the season to you all. Hope you are all getting ready for the Xmas and the wonderful New year ahead. I haven’t started my Christmas shopping yet. I’m one of those last minute shoppers .
I’m wearing a knit poncho I made in less than 10 min. I saw a picture and tutorial on Pinterest a while ago and decided to try it out. I have so many DIYs I pinned on my board on Pinterest. It’s been so helpful for me because of so many techniques I’ve learnt from different designers and bloggers.
I made a Youtube tutorial on it Here. So what do you think.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today
weldone, i love
Thank You @Elsieisy
I have to show this to my girlfriend

I really like your article, I find it very authentic, I found a good one here:
I share the tips!
My wife in this poncho makes me proud