Thank you all for stopping over at my website and checking out my designs. I will be posting some tutorials on simple sewing you could do at home.

You don’t have to be a professional fashion designer or seamstress to operate a machine. My tutorials will be very simple and explanatory.

Watch out and subscribe to my blog  for updates.





  1. please i am a young guy and am interested in your fashion design school… i really want to be part of your organisation how do go about it….
    thanks DAVID..

    1. Hi David, its always very nice seeing such an enthusiastic spirit like this.
      What exactly do you want to do.

  2. Bassey Adetola says:

    i am tolani and i am really interested in ur fashion design school……how do i go about it…….i want to know how to sew dress properly.

    1. Hi Bassey Adetola, I really don’t know where you are located. I don’t have a fashion design school but I can guide you on where to start from. Please send me an email through the contact form.

  3. Robin Armstrong says:

    BurdaStyle is a DIY fashion and sewing community. Our aim is to bring the craft of sewing to a new generation of fashion designers, hobbyists, DIY’ers, and inspire fashion enthusiasts. We offer downloadable PDF sewing patterns, project ideas, tutorials and a community passionate about fashion. Press coverage on BurdaStyle can be found here .

  4. Danial Strickland says:

    It’s time to whip up some simple summer sewing tutorials ! I love this time of year full of colorful and carefree skirts that are so easy to make.

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About Author

I'm an Apparel Designer and a Public Health Advocate. I love Art, Craft, and Nature. I'm also a wellness advocate, so I allow myself to be vulnerable, to be a gift of joy and happiness to everyone that crosses my path. Hey, I'm a kick-ass vintage car lover, never missed a show in the past 10yrs but COVID threw a punch at it.